

jGUN загвар нь хийн ажиллагаатай, APACHE нь хос хурдны системтэй, олон араат хөдөлгүүртэй жигд эргэлтээр тасралтгүй эргэж ажилладаг. Ижил хэмжээний бусад багажуудаас гаргах хүч өндөр, HYTORC гайки, HYTORC шайб болон HYTORC тулах мөртэ


 A simple twist of the collar switches the tool from high speed rundown mode into the max power mode with adjustable torque so you can choose the right output for your job.


This robust tool eliminates the need for multiple systems making training simpler and reducing the chance for operator error. When multiple systems are used to assemble a bolted joint there is more chance for operator error. The jGun DUAL SPEED makes the job simpler by giving operators one easy to use system that can be used from start to finish.


 The Wheel Gun Accessory is the obvious choice for wheel bolting and all nuts and bolts in confined spaces. The powerful extension system delivers the desired torque without compromise to power or durability. With industry-leading repeatability and intuitive design, job integrity is always assured.

  Torque Range Drive Bolt Sizes H L R Arm Length Arm Radius Rundown  RPM Final  Torque  RPM Weight  w/o Arm Weight w/  Arm
Model Ft. Lbs./Nm Inches/cm         Lbs./Kg 
J-A.5-AP 125-475/169-644 ¾” ½” to 1” 7.40/18.80 10.03/25.47 1.25/3.18 2.40/6.09 4.48/11.38 420 24 9.04/4.10 10.25/4.6
J-A1-AP 350-1050/474-1423 ¾” 7/8” to 1 3/8” 8.92/22.66 10.76/27.33 1.25/3.18 2.40/6.09 4.48/11.38 120 6.5 9.7/4.40 10.9/4.9
J-A2-AP 525-2025/705-2750 1” 1” to 1 5/8” 8.42/21.4 12.5/31.8 1.25/3.2 3.83/9.73 5.85/14.68 90 5 15/6.8 18.25/8.27
J-A3-AP 850-3100/1152-4203 1” 1 ¼” to 1 7/8” 7.34/18.60 12.35/31.37 1.81/4.60 3.83/9.73 5.85/14.68 35 212.0/5.4 15.35/7.0  
J-A5-AP 1100-5000/1491-6779 1 ½” 1 13/16” to 3  1/8” 8.42/21.39 14.46/36.73 4.48/11.38 TBD TBD 38 2.5 22.5/10.2 28.75/13.4
J-A8-AP 1250-8000/1694-10846 1 ½” 1 13/16” to 3  1/8” 8.46/21.49 15.38/39.10 4.56/11.58 TBD TBD 35 1.5 28/12.7 36.5/16.6